Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday! How I *love* Wednesdays in Philadelphia! Why? You guessed it: It's "Worst Joke Wednesday" on Eagle-106 Radio once again. Not a bad crop this week so you only need a moist hanky instead of a respirator (like last week) to survive the stench. RUNNER-UPS THIS WEEK: Q: Did you hear about the Indian woman with dyslexia? A: She wore the dot on the back of her head. [ Hmmm...where did I put that respirator?] Q: What is a lepers favorite rock song? A: "Footloose" [ *Cough*Gasp* ] Q: Did you hear that Kraft Foods is opening a new factory in Jerusalem? A: It's making "Cheeses of Nazareth". [ This was my favorite one. ] THIRD PLACE JOKE AND WINNER OF A "NUT-HUT" SHOWER CAP: Q: What do you call two skunks having oral sex? A: Odor Eaters. [ Only 3rd? This was pretty clever! ] SECOND PLACE GOT A HUNDRED BUCKS! NOT BAD, HUH (ALTHOUGH THE JOKE IS!)? Q: Where do drunk octopuses end up? A: Squid-row. THIS IS THE *WINNER*! HE GOT TWO FREE TICKETS TO ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES. I GOTTA DO THIS JOKE-THING NEXT WEEK MYSELF! Q: Did you hear about the two Superior Court Judges? A: The TRIED each other. [ Buh-dum-bump! ] --- Thomas R. James, GE Aerospace/GESD, Moorestown, NJ USA 609/722-6673 INTERnet: JAMES@MUPPET.DNET.GE.COM UUCP: mcnc!!james "GE: We Bring Good Things to Life...(yeah, right!)" ------------------------------------------------------------------- "WORST JOKE WEDNESDAY" ON PHILADELPHIA'S EAGLE-106 *--Runner-ups--* Q: Who were the only two people ever shot in a theatre? A: Abraham Lincoln and the person in the seat in front of Pee-Wee Herman. Q: What did one leg say to the other leg? A: Hey, look! Shorty's growing a beard. Q: What kind of meat does the Pope eat? A: Nun. **-2nd-Place-** Q: What song did the male cow sing to the female cow? A: "Something in the way she MOOS..." ***Winner*** Q: What did the man say when his cat got run over by a steam-roller? A: Nothing. He just stood there with a long puss. --- Thomas R. James, GE Aerospace/GESD, Moorestown, NJ USA 609/722-6673 INTERnet: JAMES@MUPPET.DNET.GE.COM UUCP: mcnc!!james "GE: We Bring Good Things to Life...(yeah, right!)" ========================================================================= Worst joke day on Eagle-106 here in Philadelphia was pretty vulgar. And no wonder: That major sleaze Danny Bonaduci was a guest DJ. Wasn't he in jail? Wasn't he in California? Is there any difference? Does anyone know any jokes about him? Anyway, this week's winner got 2 free airline tickets to anywhere in the US. RUNNER-UPS THIS WEEK: Q: What's the difference between a one-night stand, a mistress, and a wife? A: A one-nighter says "Do it! Do it"; a mistress says "Hurry up! Hurry up!"; and a wife says "Beige...I think I'll paint the ceiling beige." [ Don't gripe at me, a woman told this one. ] Q: What did the Roman Empire say right before the Middle Ages? A: "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!" Q: Why did the siamese twins go to live in England? A: So the other one could get a chance to drive. *SECOND PLACE* Q: Did you hear about the Italian ghost who liked to party? A: He was a "fun-ghoul". [ If you don't get it, say it out loud and you will. Sheesh! ] *GRAND PRIZE WINNER* Q: Did you hear about the gynecologist who went to the eye-doctor? A: He claimed everything he saw was fuzzy. [ I gettin' outta here now! ]